Restorative Yoga


“Restorative Yoga is a therapeutic yoga style using props ( bolsters, blankets, cushions, straps and blocks) to fully support the body while remaining for a long time  in a diverse range of postures. With a natutal release of effort, awareness of the breath facilitates a softening of the body and a letting-go of tension and accumulated stress. Experience and develop benficial methods to alleviate the effects of circulatory and digestive  fatigue, nervous system overload, mental and emotional stress and restore the healthy joy and vitality to your body, mind and spirit!.”

Above is a photo of child’s pose, fully supported with my head turned left. Because of my long arms, I can reach the floor easily. Some may need extra support ( blanket, cushion under the forearms and hands). As one remains in postures for a long time, supporting the body fully in a comfortable position is recommended. Often, after even several cycles of breathing, the body may sink deeper into the asana. Without support there, the muscles maybe contracted instinctively to hold the posture, slightly bringing tension and discomfort.


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